Browse the 141 sound recordings in the archive using the advanced search filters. The filters allow you to search the archive by match opponent, songs or chants, melodies on which a chant is based, match events (e.g. corner kick, penalty) and other auditory events (e.g. referee’s whistle). Notice how as you make selections the available items in each filters drop-down list are modified accordingly.

Once you’ve made a search, select a recording to listen to from the results panel, play the recording in the audio player and browse the match info as you listen!

Search tips: Try selecting one or two filters at a time. Keep it simple!
Chants and melodies can be filtered by “home” or “away” (e.g. filter Songs / Chants by “away” and you’ll see only those chants sung by the away support).

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Sorry we could not find any results for your search.
The Home / Away filter can only be used in conjunction with a Song / Chant or Melody filter. Please amend your search and try again.